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What is a roadmap and why do you need one?

A roadmap is a visualization of a strategic plan. Maybe you are starting a business, building a new product, or leading a cross-functional project. You need a bold vision for what you want to achieve and a solid plan for how you will turn your aspirations into reality. Roadmaps are the output of a strategic planning process.

What is the structure of a roadmap?

The structure of a roadmap may vary from one project to another, but there are some key elements you should include in all your roadmaps. These are: Goals and initiatives – defining the value that your product or project brings and how it delivers on business objectives. Releases and milestones – stating when work will start and be delivered.

What is a product roadmap?

Product roadmaps: Oftentimes built for external audiences, product roadmaps sit at a very high level and should reconcile a product’s development and direction with the needs of the consumer it’s meant to service. These are usually built for clients or internal decision-makers that are far removed from the day-to-day.

What is a Project Roadmap?

Project roadmap: Built for “product portfolio managers”, i.e. managers who deal with multiple projects that usually go through a standardized process. Examples of such roadmaps include investment project pipeline or construction projects. The roadmap allows managers to plan and prioritize their resources accordingly.

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